Hiatus Kaiyote is excited to see what videos you come up with using their song, “Laputa.” Enter your email address and get the audio track for your video. Create something fantastic – be creative! Upload your video to YouTube with the hashtag #hiatuskaiyotecontest in the video title and check back here to see all the videos that have been submitted. The band will check out all the videos they get.
1 Grand Prize winner receives a Sony 64 GB HD Walkman, a signed Choose Your Weapon vinyl album, a signed set list from upcoming US tour, and a posting of the winning video on Hiatus Kaiyote social media, as well as the chance to submit a “first look” pitch for the band’s next official video. 5 Runners Up receive a signed Choose Your Weapon vinyl album, and a posting of the runners up videos on Hiatus Kaiyote social media.
All videos must be uploaded to YouTube by October 21, 2015.
Official RulesGET INSPIRED

Graphite to paper
a saga born hand drawn artisan dreamer
graphite to paper
a saga born and hand drawn artisan dreamer
Miyazaki frontier
a crystal clear picture of illumininom seeker
this view from here is airborne
mystic catacomb creeper
who whispers stone cold and as the mind follows deeper
a relic a teacher
a talisman in the hand navigate to seek up above
Laputa (miss you)
Laputa (how I miss you)
Laputa (how I miss your)
floating castles in the sky (miss you)
young one hear this
be fearless
I’ve been running running but a riot hunts for you you you you
I can hear the timeless corridor of your meadows of your meadows